The Fondazione Cariello Corbino

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The "Fondazione Cariello Corbino" (FCC) is an Italian charity established in 2017, whose logo EARTHEART reflects its mission: to help people and planet as interdependent parts of one living organism. 

The Utopian Dandelion Project was born precisely from the desire to give more strength to the projects of the communities supported by the FCC, marketing their products, promoting sustainability and innovation in these projects, allowing them to live a worthy life with a long-term business perspective.  

FCC offers financial and management support to local no profit partners involved in small projects for children in need and community development. 

FCC's work is 100% volunteer and therefore 100% of the donors' donations reach directly the projects. 

From 2017 to 2020, FCC donated over 244.000 euros (exclusively from private donors) to a total of 11 projects: 5 in DRCongo, 1 in Uganda, 2 in Malawi, 2 in Pakistan, 1 in Italy, giving hope for a better life to hundreds of children and adults. In 2021 we plan to to more.

From 2021 these donations will be integrated with those from The Utopian Dandelion Project, because a percentage of the profits will be donated to FCC. 

The partnership between these two bodies couldn't be any closer: all four founders of The Utopian Dandelion Project are involved in various capacities in the FCC: Alberto Corbino is the president, Lee Simms the director general, Carlos Vazquez is involved in fund raising and in the management of projects, Miguel Amortegui  is the content director and official photographer of creative projects supported by the FCC.

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"If you want to directly support the Fondazione Cariello Corbino, just click here (here would have the following link)

Photograph by Miguel Amortegui